


Thyme (White) e.o. - 15 ml


  • CAD: 10.65 $

Aroma: Warm, herbal, and spicy

Thyme contains a high amount of toxic phenols (carvacrol and thymol) which can irritate mucus membranes, cause skin irritation as well as skin sensitization. Our thyme is the white thyme — or the re—distillate or rectified thyme from the crude red thyme oil which is the first product of distillation. Crude red thyme is also used widely but with caution in tribal Mediterranean medicine.

Thyme is an ancient herbal medicine used by the Greeks, the Egyptians and the Romans. The name comes from the Greek word 'THYMOS', meaning scent or perfume. Thyme oil has a rather sweet yet strongly herbal smell and is reddish—brown to amber in color for the red thyme and pale yellow for the white Thyme. It is medium to watery in viscosity.

Red thyme (not sold by us) contains a high amount of toxic phenols (carvacrol and thymol) which can irritate mucus membranes, cause skin irritation as well as skin sensitization. Contains antiviral and antibacterial properties. Kills airborne bacteria when used in a vaporizer or diffuser and may provide relief of symptoms from bronchitis or pneumonia. Skin irritant! When using white thyme oil in massage therapy, it is imperative to do a skin patch test to determine if the person is sensitive to the oil.

Anti—viral, topical application for warts. Anti—bacterial, anti—viral and anti—parasitic. Raises the spirits. Thyme oil is a very potent oil and should not be used during pregnancy or in cases of high blood pressure

Note: Although remedial, people with major health ailments like cancer, or epilepsy should avoid use. Non—toxic, non—irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Not to be used while pregnant.


Additional information

Weight 4 kg


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