


Fennel Seed - 16 oz


  • CAD: 23.97 $

Fennel Seeds

Botanical name: (Foeniculum vulgare)

Also Known As: Finule

Fennel is used to aid digestion, nausea, and colic. Originally from southern Europe and Asia Minor, it increases milk production in nursing mothers, stabilizes the nervous system, is a sedative for small children, expels phlegm from throat, and eliminates toxins from the body. Fennel improves night vision, relieves gas, expels worms, stimulates menstruation, and cleans the bladder and liver.

It can be taken in teas, chewed or crushed in soups, sauces, shakes, and bakes. Soothes gums of teething babies. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are the primary ingredient of many famous spice blends including Garam Masal from India. Fennel is said to have been used to stop and prevent stomach cramps, as well as helping congestion from colds flus, for a recorded 1000 years in India, Persia and Europe.

These seeds are very rich in minerals including magnesium. One main constituent in Fennel Seed is anethol. Anethol and other terpenoids may inhibit spasms in smooth muscles such as those in the intestinal tract. Recent studies have found that consumption of fennel can increase the production of bile and may also possess diuretic, pain—reducing and anti—microbial activities.

Besides being extensively used in cooking in India, Iran and Europe, Fennel seeds may be chewed upon after every meal or even more often.. About 2—3 grams may be had at a time and chewed upon. Daily intake about 7 gms. (or 1? teaspoon).

Fennel may be also had as a tea. For this, boil about 3 gms. (1/2 teaspoon) of seeds in 250 ml. of water. Let the water boil for about 5 minutes while keeping the pot covered. Cool the mixture and then sip as required. Two to three cups may be had daily in this manner.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We at eSutras do not recommend internal use of supplements or herbs without prior consultation with your doctor or herbalist.


Additional information

Weight 12 kg


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