


Cajuput e.o. - 30 ml


  • CAD: 11.99 $

Aroma: Sweet, penetrating, camphor—like

This Indonesian tree, also called the swamp tree, produces an aromatic oil derived from the leaves and twigs. It is traditionally mixed with almond and olive oils to relieve sunburn. The oil, which is colorless and liquid, only has therapeutic valuable only in its pure form. However, it is often adulterated with other oils. It should only be used externally, and not by pregnant women. Used in herbal medicine in the tropics to get relief from skin infections.

This scent of this oil is particularly beneficial for those who frequently suffer from colds, as it improves resistance. It is also used to treat painful menstruation. It can also be mixed with a carrier oil and rubbed upon stiff or aching joints. The oil also soothes skin eruptions. It should be mixed with a carrier oil and applied directly to the wound, as it is considered anti—infectious.

Note: Although remedial, people with major health ailments like cancer, or epilepsy should avoid use. Non—toxic, non—irritant, possible sensitization in some individuals. Not to be used while pregnant.


Additional information

Weight 5 kg


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