


Amla - 16 oz


  • CAD: 23.97 $


Botanical name: (Emblica officinalis)

Also Known As: Amla, amala, aamla, Indian gooseberry, amritphala (the fruit of heaven, nectar of heaven) or amalaki.

Ayurveda's most popular fruit is also one of its most effective. Literally every part of the Amla tree is used in Ayurveda. Dried fruit is sour and astringent. Flowers are cooling and aperients. Bark is astringent. The herb is also aphrodisiac, hemostatic, nutritive tonic, rejuvenator. Amla increases red blood cell count. It is one of the highest natural sources of Vitamin C (3,000 mg per fruit). Amla fruit paste is a major ingredient of Chavyanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic. The root bark is astringent and is useful in stomach ulcers. The bark is useful in gonorrhea, jaundice and diarrhea.

The leaves are useful in curing conjunctivitis, inflammation, indigestion, diarrhea and dysentery. The fruits are sour, astringent, bitter, sweet, cooling, digestive, laxative, diuretic and tonic. Amla fruit aids digestion, cures flatulence, helps correct body functions and metabolism.

In treatment of illness, Amla is widely used in Ayurveda. Found in medicines for diabetes, cough, asthma, bronchitis, headaches, colic, hyperacidity, peptic ulcers, skin diseases, inflammations, anemia, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, cardiac disorders, and intermittent fevers.

It is also very good tonic for the hair and is used to correct grayness of hair and finds extensive usage in hair oils.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We at eSutras do not recommend internal use of supplements or herbs without prior consultation with your doctor or herbalist.


Additional information

Weight 12 kg


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