


Siberian Ginseng Powder (Eleuthero) - 90 ct


  • CAD: 213.09 $

Stimulates both a healthy appetite and a good memory!! Helps to enhance productivity.



Botanical name: (Passiflora edulis)

Also Known As: Maypop, Apricot vine, Passiflore rouge, Passionsblume, Purple Passion—flower, Passion Vine

As a natural nutritional supplement, Passion Flower health benefits can be reaped by anyone suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and even epilipsy.

Passion Flower health benefits start with its natural analgesic properties. As a person ages, the body acquires more little aches and pains. While not severe enough to warrant a strong pain reliever, these nagging aches can definitely impact an individual's quality of life. For centuries, people have used the Passion Flower to make tea as a nutritional supplement to reduce or eliminate these little aches.

Anxiety sufferers have long considered one of the best natural treatments for their condition to be the Passion Flower. Health benefits for this situation are many. As a disorder of the mood, a person with anxiety tends to overexcited easily and remain in that state far longer than the average person. This state of constant excitement causes the body to prevent essential functions like digestion and sleep. The constant interruption of these functions has lasting harmful effects. Passion Flower acts as a low intensity emotional stabilizer, reducing the severity and length of these episodes.

Those suffering from depression also find Passion Flower benefits to their liking. Unlike anxiety, depression in and of itself does not injure the body. The damage it does is by causing people to feel that any action is futile — even those actions that are healthy. Regular use of a Passion Flower supplement can lead individuals suffering from depression to find it easier to remain motivated and find more joy in life.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We at eSutras do not recommend internal use of supplements or herbs without prior consultation with your doctor or herbalist.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg